Monday, April 02, 2007

See How Easily You Can Apply 'The Secret' To Your Life

Ever since The Secret came out more and more people are beginning to learn about attracting dreams into their lives and the power of their thoughts and manifesting their goals into reality.

There are other books on the same topic as well – The Cosmic Ordering Service, Ask and it is Given and many other resources.

The Problem
The problem here is that majority of the people out there do not know how to perform the visualisation exercise. They try it for a little while, nothing happens and they go back to their dreary lives muttering how The Secret doesn't work.

I know because that's exactly what I did -until I found out how to put my visualisations on jet fuel. The secret lies in using all your senses and by generating a successful feeling before visualising. Most people will close their eyes and imagine their goal ………. And that's it!

This doesn't work

The Solution
The way to do it is to fully engage your body and your senses in the exercise. Here is an easy step by step process to kick start your visualisations.

1) Relax your body by naming the body part and stating is now soft and relaxed - eg My head is now soft and relaxed, my neck is now soft and relaxed etc

2) Remember a time when you were successful at something – it doesn't matter what it is but See, Hear and Feel what you felt. It could be at work, at home it doesn't matter as long as you get that happy successful feeling in your body.

3) Now with this happy successful feeling in your body like a gentle hum of success. Visualise your goal.

4) See it clearly, imagine all the surroundings, hear the voices or noises around you, feel how it would feel to achieve that goal! Make it as real as possible

And that is it - this 4 step process will ensure that your visualisation leave you charged up and excited just waiting for your dreams to manifest in your life!!

Remember the secret to succeeding is all in Step 2!!! Visualising with your body already vibrating with the feeling of success puts your visualisation on jet fuel.

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